Compliance 24.7 Release Notes

This is a preview of the upcoming release. General release is available starting 05-AUG-2024.

Web Release Notes

  • Item Locked message in forms and tasks – The Item Locked message has been updated and a new Unlock and Edit option has been added to the options in the message. ClosedRead more

    The Item Locked message shows when the application detects that you have the same form or task open on another device, browser instance, or when the system did not remove the lock that prevented you from opening and editing it immediately. The message warns you that if you choose to unlock and edit the form or task, any changes made to the form or task in other devices or instances will be lost and the application will load the form or task data from the last save performed on the server.

    You can choose from the following options:

    • Cancel – Returns you to the previous page. Clicking the X icon to close also returns you to the previous page.

    • View – Open the form to see the last saved form data in View mode.

    • Unlock and Edit – Unlocks the form or task for further editing. Any changes to the previous form or task upon saving or submitting.

    Previously, when a form or task was locked, you had to wait for the edit lock to end before making updates. The edit lock duration has been shortened from 30 minutes to 15 minutes.

Mobile Release Notes

  • Pending sync messages alerts – You can now receive pending sync alert messages when you launch the SQC application. The alert messages remind you that there are submitted events or tasks that have not synced to the web. ClosedRead more

    When you open the SQC application and have pending forms or tasks that need to be synced, a Pending Records message shows that prompts you to perform a sync.

    To perform a sync, you must open the SQC application in a connected environment and the application must remain open in the foreground until the sync is complete.

    You can choose to not show the message again by setting the toggle to ON, and then tap Ok.

    You can manage the setting in Menu > Settings > Pending Sync Messages. The feature is enabled by default.

  • To-do List Action Required message – When you open a new project and have pending saved forms or tasks, the updated alert message prompts you to go to your To-Do List Saved tab to sync, submit, or delete the items in the list prior to downloading a new project. ClosedRead more

    To sync, submit, or delete items, tap the Open To-Do List button to go to the To-Do List Saved tab.

    You can select a new project to download after the saved items in your To-Do List are addressed.