Design 24.11 Release Notes

General release is available starting 09-DEC-2024.

  • Scope item integration with InEight Change – In Engineering, you can now integrate scope item steps to issues in Change. ClosedRead more

    You can associate a scope item’s step or multiple steps to an issue to mitigate risks in deliverables.

    In the scope item > Claiming > Issue column, click the Associate to Change issue icon to open the Associate to Change issue dialog box. In the Associate to Change issue dialog box, you can select issues to assign to the scope item. You can select Assign to this step or Assign to this step and remaining steps.

    You can also view the number of issues associated with the scope item. After you associate issues to a scope item, a number count link shows in the Issue column. Click the number link to view the associated issue or issues. In the dialog box you can remove issues or click Associate to Change issue to return to the Associate to Change issue dialog box.

    For more information, see the new Associate scope items to issues in Change topic.

  • Component link integration with InEight Plan – In the Quantity Forecasting Components section of the quantity item slide-out panel, you can now click the Component ID link to open the component in Plan. ClosedRead more

    You can manage the component in Plan’s Quantity tracking module.

    Previously, to search for a component in Plan, you copied the component ID in Design, and then manually search for the component in Plan.

    For more information, see the new Components section topic.

  • Project value statuses – When the status of a project value is set to Unavailable in InEight Platform, a new yellow caution icon shows alerting you that the Project value is unavailable. The project values are now saved as Unavailable and are no longer deleted. ClosedRead more

    You have the option to change the project value status in Platform. When you have a project value assigned to a scope item or quantity item, and the project value’s status is changed to Unavailable, the project value shows a yellow caution icon. You can select an available project value in the edit scope or quantity item slide-out panel. The project value that was unavailable no longer shows in the list.

  • Claiming is disabled caution icon in the ID column – In Scope Items, the Claiming is disabled yellow caution icon that shows in the Compliance column now also shows in the ID column. The icon makes the scope item compliance issues visible when you do not have the Compliance column added to the view. ClosedRead more

    For more information, see the Compliance issues topic.

  • New columns in Scope Items – In Engineering, fields in the scope item slide-out panel have been added as columns in the Scope Items page. The columns let you quickly see the data without having to open the slide-out panel to view. ClosedRead more

    The new columns are the following:

    • Assign to

    • CE total MHrs

    • Earned MHrs

    • Forecast remaining MHrs

    • Team

    • WBS Phase Code

    To view the formula for how the aggregated values are calculated for CE total MHrs, Earned MHrs, and Forecast remaining MHrs, you can hover over their headings. For more information, see Scope items.

  • Observations section added to quantity items slide-out panel – In Quantity Forecasting, the new Observations section lets you view observations assigned to a quantity item. ClosedRead more

    In the Observations section, you can navigate to the assigned observation by clicking an observation ID. The observation opens, and you can view or edit it. For more information, see the new Observations section topic.