Design 25.1 Release Notes

This is a preview of the upcoming release. General release is available starting 03-FEB-2025.

  • Update scope item quantity slide-out panel – When you update a scope item’s quantity, you now have the option to select Last claim date. You can also now choose to associate the quantity change to an issue in InEight Change. ClosedRead more

    Last claim date

    When you edit a scope item and update the claimed quantities, you can now select the Last claim date option. The Last claim date option lets you easily and accurately attribute the updated claims to the date the last claims were made on each step, reflecting more accurately in your reporting.

    Previously, you could only use the Manual claim date option, which caused all earned value to be attributed to the date of the change.

    Associate to change issue

    The Associate to change issue option provides easy access to the Change issue integration feature.

    When you create a new scope item or edit an existing scope item that does not have claiming, you can select to associate it to an issue in Change.

    The Associate to change issue option is also available when you update the scope item quantity on a scope item, and the scope item has been claimed.

    After you complete the Update scope item qty wizard, the issue is associated to the remaining steps of the scope item.

    Previously, you had to update the scope item quantity and then find the scope item’s steps to associate to a Change issue.