Configure Security Group Access by Type

  1. From Manage User Access select a Security Group from the top grid.

  2. From the bottom part of the screen under each tab use the tick boxes to configure access to each mail type, transmittal type and form type as required.

  3. If none of the options are ticked within a tab, users in that security group will have no access to that type. The options are shown in the table below:



Mail Type Access

Read – gives the user access to view but not create mail of this type.

Draft for Review – gives the user access to both view and create mail of this type for review but restricts the ability to send mail.

Send – gives the user access to view, create and send mail of this type.

Note: Select the required Visibility for each Mail type for users assigned to the Security Group using the drop-down list against each Mail Type. The choices are Personal, Department or Company.

Transmittal Type Access

Read – gives the user access to view but not create transmittals of this type.

Draft for Review – gives the user access to both view and create transmittals of this type for review but restricts the ability to send transmittals of this type.

Send – gives the user access to view, create and send transmittals of this type.


  • When a new security group is created, the Transmittal type access options are all un‑ticked by default.

  • Only users with Send Access to a transmittal type can Send/Resend/Cancel a transmittal of that type.

Form Type Access

Read – gives the user access to view but not create forms of this type.

Send – gives the user access to view, create and send forms of this type.