Creating External Contacts and Users

Contacts are used throughout the InEight Document System in all modules. All Contacts are maintained via the Address book regardless of whether they can log into InEight Document as users, or just receive content from InEight Document via email as an External Contact.

To create a contact:

  1. Click Contacts, then locate the company the new contact belongs to.

  2. Click New, then enter relevant fields explained in the table below:




The name of the company the contact belongs to.


Select the Department the contact relates to (optional).


Company Type.

Contact ID*

This ID must be unique within the company. The system automatically creates a default ID as Initial + first 9 characters of the Last Name. For example, JBLOE for Joe Bloe.

First Name*

First name of the contact.

Last Name*

Last name of the contact.


Title for the contact from the drop down list.


The position the contact holds within the company they belong to.

Phone, Mobile, Fax

Enter contact numbers. The Fax number can be used both by the Integrated Fax-Out service and the Fax-In service.


Enter the email address for the contact. This is used when sending mail and notifications by email and by the Integrated Email-In service.

Address Details

Enter the Address Details for the contact which include: Address Line 1, Address Line 2, City, State, Postcode, and Country.


Free form text field for any remarks about the contact.

External Contact

Used to make the contact an External Contact.

Preferred Send Method

Choose between Email, Fax, and HC (Hardcopy) as the default send method for the contact. This is applicable for External Contacts only.

Make Inactive

This option makes a contact/user Inactive. The contact will no longer appear in the address book when creating mail, transmitting documents or anywhere the address book is used.

Make Restricted

This option restricts the users/contacts this contact can communicate with.

Include Inactive contact in filters

Used to include Inactive contacts in filters for reports or queries.

*Mandatory fields

Fields generated by the system

  1. If the User is an External Contact only, ensure the External Contact option is ticked.

  2. Click Save.

  3. To convert the contact into an InEight Document user (with login access), click on the User Security tab and add them to a security group.

  4. Update their access to each module (None, Personal, Department, Company etc) as required.

  5. Optional: Select the Distribution Matrix tab to add them to a distribution rule.

  • A security setting can be enabled to ‘Allow the Administrators of the Project to modify other user's email addresses’ otherwise contact if an email address needs to be updated.

  • Contact IDs can be changed, if the user is not logged in, by editing the Contact Details and Save.

  • Inactive Contacts are displayed in grey at the Contacts screen. You can display only Active contacts via the Advanced Contact search and filtering for “Active User equal to Yes”.

  • When a contact is made inactive notifications are switched off, they are removed from listed document distribution rules and any assigned security group.

  • If an in-active contact is made active again, you will be prompted to re-install previous access level.

  • Use Duplicate to create a new contact with the same security settings as an existing contact. You will be prompted to duplicate the security settings.

  • Use to delete a contact that has not made any transactions in any InEight Document Module and has been made inactive.

  • Use More for selected Contacts in bulk to: Send Login info, Set User Preferences for active users, Make Inactive where the option to add to Filters will be prompted, Make Restricted, Make External, Remove and Add to Security Group, Customizing the Register View.

  • Use Export, Excel and choose between All Items and Selected Items to export the current filter in the Contacts register.