Assign Company Administrators

A Company Administrator can be assigned within each participating company to allow them to manage some administrative functions.

Company Administrators can perform the following tasks for users within their own company:

  1. Create new users.

  2. Edit contacts details within a project address book.

  3. Enable/Disable users.

  4. Change user passwords.

  5. Create Security Groups.

  6. Modifying Security Group definitions for groups they have defined.

  7. Configure Distribution Rules.

  8. Approve/Reject document subscriptions.

  9. Grant access to documents via the grant access wizard.

A Company Administrator is limited to the access and security levels the Company Administrator themselves have been assigned. For example, if the Company Administrator has access to only Architectural Documents and no access to Transmittals, then users within that company cannot be assigned access to documents of another discipline or be given access to generate transmittals.

To assign Company Administrators:

  1. Click the drop down next to Contacts, select Companies.

  2. Filter for the Company and open the Company Details window.

  3. Go to Options tab in the Company Administrator drop down select the required user.

  4. Click the Close button and Yes when prompted to save.

  • The company administrator will need to be notified by email outside of InEight Document of this change in status.

  • The ability for a company to create both new companies and contacts can be enabled at a project level by InEight. Once the feature is enabled at a project level, the project administrator can assign the function to company administrators via the Companies window.

  • Enabling this function not only gives them the ability to create companies and contract but also edit the details of any existing company and or contact.

  • A feature can be enabled to mandatory assign an ABN (Business) number to all new companies. When creating a new company, type the ABN first to auto complete if the company already exists.