Mail Compose Tab

The InEight Document system enables users to use an integrated rich text editor when composing mail that allows users to format their correspondence using such features as: bold, italic, font size, font color, justification, background color and more.

It is also possible to: manage the way the formatting of replies and forwards are handled; to specify that a PDF or an HTML rendition of each mail should be created and attached to the outgoing mail; and to define and use a custom footer for mails you compose.

Compose messages in Rich Text format

Tick the box labeled “Compose messages in Rich Text Format”.

Message Fonts

  1. Select the font to use when composing new mail.

  1. Select the font to use when replying to or forwarding mail.

Managing Replies and Forwards

  1. When replying to mail, choose from the following options:

    • Do not include original message text.
    • Include original message text.
    • Include and indent original message text.
  1. When forwarding a mail, choose from the following options:

    • Include original message text.
    • Include and indent original message text.

It is also possible to control the character used to indent the original text when including this text in replies and forwards.

Attach Copy of Mail Options

In every outgoing mail you can choose to include a PDF rendition of the mail attached to the standard HTML format. To enable this, tick the box labeled Attach a copy of the mail as and choose between HTML or PDF.

Mail Footer

Select your preferred default mail footer from the drop down list.