Managing Tasks
The following actions relate to managing tasks that are in progress:
Re-Assign a Task
A task notifications will be sent to both the person the task has been reassigned to and the Task Owner.
Close Out a Task
Tasks for which all recipients have changed the action status to completed can either be Closed out by the Owner or if not competed as required, reopened by changing the status to an open status in which case the To recipients will be notified. Closing out a Task is done via the Closeout button from within the Task details window.
To update the batch status in bulk, select the Tasks then from More, select Batch Status and choose the relevant option.
Cancelling a Task
Tasks can be cancelled by either the Task Owner or the From user. This is done via the More button list of options. The user is required to enter a reason for the Cancellation and notifications are sent out to the affected users.
Reactivating a Task
Task that was previously Cancelled out can be Re-activate again via the More button list of options from within the Task Details window.
Change the Task Owner
A Task Owner can change the ownership to another user in their company. Primary/Additional/Company Administrators can change the ownership of Tasks belonging to their company.