Simple Search Options

The following search options are available from within each mailbox:

  1. Use the Quick Search box above the mail register. Enter a string of text and click Go. Once finished click the Clear link to remove the active search filter or click Default to return to the user’s default view.

  1. Use column filters by entering a text string into the box in the column header and click the icon to the right of the box to choose the filter type. Use the Clear link to remove the search filter.

  2. If you are using electronic filing via File in Folders, open the Inbox or Sent items and use the Folder pane to locate the item.

  1. With the appropriate access you can filter mail by Personal, Department and/or Company using the filters in the top right corner. When viewing “Company” mail, if the mail has multiple TO or CC values to recipients within your company only one instance is shown by default. To see all instances of the incoming mail item, click the Show Duplicate Company mails link above the mail register.