Connecting to InEight Document from Outlook

When starting Outlook for the first time after installation of the plug-in, you are prompted to identify which InEight Document Server/Projects you want to connect to.

If you are not prompted, click the Teambinder Tab and select “Manage Projects.”

  1. Click the Add button to connect one or more InEight Document projects to Outlook.

  2. At the Login window select the appropriate server that your project is located on. This is the URL shown once logged into InEight Document. If you are unsure of the server details, contact the InEight Document Support Hotline.

  3. Log in by entering your InEight Document User ID, Company ID & Password or Company Login then clicking Login. A list of the InEight Document Projects you have access to will then be displayed.

  4. Select the Project(s) to synchronise with Outlook Integration.

  5. Tick Get All Mail to download existing InEight Document Mail.

    Warning: As this process could take a long time if you enter a very early date, entering a

    date less than a month ago in the Download mail/Sent/Received Since column is recommended.

  6. Click OK to confirm the selected projects.

  7. If Two Factor Authentication is enabled for the InEight Document account being added, Outlook Integration will prompt you to enter the ‘Two Factor Authentication token’ generated in your Authenticator App in your mobile device.

    A screenshot of a cell phone

Description automatically generated

    • To use a company login rather than your personal user login, at Step 3 above click on the Company Login (Single Sign-on) tab. The Company Login requires the email address linked to your InEight Document Account and is only available if InEight Document Single Sign-On is pre-configured for your company by InEight. Please contact your InEight Document account manager or Project Delivery Consultant for more information on this.
    • Use the Change button to change the user that is currently logged into the same project. Then enter new login details.
    • To limit the size of attachments downloaded into Outlook from InEight Document before adding a project, click the Settings button and select the General then adjust the size limit for file attachments against the option Download mail or transmittal attachments equal or less then (KB).
    • To change the Title of the project within Outlook simple double click on the Project Title field in the Manage Projects window (this can be useful if you want to add the same project more than once for different user Ids.)
    • The date from which mail/transmittals are synchronised can also be modified by double clicking on the Synchronise From” field.

    See also: