Introduction to Transmittals

Transmittals are used within InEight to issue documents to recipient(s) with the option of also adding a reason for issue and response required date.

The documents being transmitted must already be in the Document Register and the sender must already have access to both the documents and the file formats being transmitted.

The transmittal module includes Inbox, Drafts, Sent Items and Pending. If you have access, they can be found by selecting Transmittals from the left menu.

Clicking on one of these options, opens the register view.

Transmittals can be sorted by clicking on column headers or using the column filters. You can also search for transmittals using the Quick Search box above the register or by clicking on Advanced.

Double click to open, read and respond (if option is available) to transmittals.

Use the check boxes next to a transmittal to select it and then perform actions using the options above the register such as Reply, Reply All or More>Duplicate (With or Without Attachments).