Transmitting Revised Documents

To transmit Revised Documents using the Pending Transmittal concept:

  1. Click New, select Transmittals then Latest Revised Documents.

  1. Select the Recipients. Only recipients from pending transmittals who have not been notified about revisions to documents they previously received via transmittal will be displayed.

  2. Choose to Notify recipients of future revisions automatically (if applicable).

  1. Click the Add Documents button.

  2. Only revised documents that are un-restrained or have been released which the select recipient has not yet been notified about will be listed.

  3. Complete the transmittal as per normal then click Send.

  • Initiate a transmittal of revised documents using Create Pending Transmittals within the Pending transmittals screen.

  • Documents that have Ignore ticked via Pending Transmittals can be displayed by un-ticking Hide Ignored, these will then be displayed in grey and selected if required.

See also:

Sending Transmittals - Advanced Video