Adding Users to Security Groups in Bulk

Project participants requiring access in InEight Document to send communications, upload documents, generate transmittals must be defined as InEight Document users.

The process of creating a new user involves:

  1. Adding the user to the address book.

  2. Assigning the user to a security group.

  3. Setting the user’s access levels to the different modules of InEight Document.

  4. Adding the user to a document distribution rule set (optional).

The minimum requirements for enabling InEight Document users are adding them to the address book and allocating them to a security group.

To add users to a security group:

  1. Click the cogwheel icon and select Admin.
    Select Admin from Cogwheel icon settings

  2. Select Manage user access and select the security group.
    Select user in Manage user access tab from Administration panel

  3. Click the add user icon.
    Add user icon to add users in security group from manage user access tab

  4. Select the company of the user.

  5. Select the user(s) and click the arrow icon.
    Select the user(s) and click the arrow icon to add to security group from select contacts panel

  6. Click Add.

  7. Click Yes to confirm.