Configuring Security Group Access by Type

To configure security group access by type:

  1. Click the cogwheel icon and select Admin.
    Select Admin from Cogwheel icon settings

  2. Select Manager user access and select the security group.
    Select user in Manage user access tab from Administration panel

  3. Select the module from the Access type drop-down menu.

  4. Select the check boxes to set the access levels for each item.
    set the access levels from Access type drop-down menu

  5. Click Save.

See the tables below for information on each setting:

Mail type access




Gives the user access to view but not create mail of this type.

Draft for review

Gives the user access to both view and create mail of this type for review but restricts the ability to send mail.


Gives the user access to view, create and send mail of this type.

Attach files Gives the user the ability to attach files to mail of this type.


Select the required visibility for each mail type for users assigned to this security group.

Transmittal type access




Gives the user access to view but not create transmittals of this type.

Draft for review

Gives the user access to both view and create transmittals of this type for review but restricts the ability to send transmittals of this type.


Gives the user access to view, create and send transmittals of this type.

Forms type access




Gives the user access to view but not create forms of this type.


Gives the user access to view, create and send forms of this type.