Restricting Users

A restricted user only sees a limited section of the address book. This may be required for privacy reasons. For example, a subcontractor might be restricted to only communicate with the prime contractor and not the engineering consultants or client.

To restrict a user:

  1. From the Module Menu, hover over Address book and select Contacts.
    Contacts selection in Address Book from Module menu

  2. Select the user.

  3. Select the Make contact restricted check box.
    Make contact restricted check box in Edit contacts panel

  4. Click Save.

  • Restricted users are displayed in red.

  • The contacts that a restricted user can see are listed in the Restricted Access tab within the contact details window.

  • If a company administrator has been defined as a restricted contact, all the users they create will also be restricted automatically. The list of restricted contacts that the administrator has access to will automatically be carried forward to the new users.