Miscellaneous Settings

Miscellaneous settings can be found by clicking the Miscellaneous tab in project settings.

See the tables below for a description of each setting.


Setting Description
Enforce two-factor authentication for all project users Used to force all users on the project to use two-factor authentication when they sign in to Document.

Integration with other systems



Integration with other systems

Used to indicate whether the project has been integrated with other external systems such as Bluebeam.

The service account for the Bluebeam Studio Session is included, so you can unlink the service account used to set up the integration for the project. Click Remove link to unlink the Bluebeam service account.




Enable file attachments in

  • Mail

  • Transmittals

  • Packages

Used to allow attachments to be added to mail, transmittals and packages.

Attach Comment Spreadsheet to Transmittal

When transmitting documents to a company for review, it is possible to attach a generic comment spreadsheet to the transmittal. This can then be used to import comments to the Document Register.

Allow project folder's content to be seen across companies

Lets people working on the project view the content that they have access

to in the folders created at the project level, regardless of whether they work for the company that created it.

Assign a reference number when saving as a draft

Gives projects the flexibility to save a draft mail with or without a formal reference number. When the Mail check box is selected, each mail saved uses the project's mail numbering system when it is saved. When the check box is not selected, each mail is saved using a draft number, for example, DRAFT-INEIGHT-00001, instead of the formal reference number. The project's numbering is assigned only when the mail is sent.

Maximum size of attachments for mail/transmittal/packages is n MB

Used to set the maximum file size in MB for mail, transmittal and package attachments. If the attachments exceed the maximum file size, they are sent as links to external contacts.

Published report caption

Enter an alternative caption for published reports.

Published report abbreviation

Enter an alternative abbreviation for published reports.

Display folder items as

Choose how to display folders in folder view.

Disable standard login for users configured Single Sign On

Select this option to prevent registered single sign on (SSO) users from logging in with standard document credentials.

Useful contact widget



Project administrator

By default, the Project Administrator in the Useful contact tile is populated with the Primary Administrator. If necessary, you can identify a separate Project Administrator. The Project Administrator is displayed on the dashboard in the Useful contact tile.

Useful information

Additional information can be entered, that may be useful for project users. This will be displayed on the Dashboard in the Useful Contact tile.