Adding Items to a Section

When specifying section items, the following details must be provided:

  1. Item sequence – defines the order in which items appear within that section.

  2. Item number – the item number which will be displayed on the Checklist.

  3. Description – details of the item to be completed.

  4. Tooltip – text to appear when mousing over the Checklist item.

  5. Response Type – how the recipient (For Action) must complete their response e.g. single line of text, checkbox or date field. See detailed descriptions.

  6. Mandatory – whether that item is mandatory within the Checklist.

Additional items can be added to the section by clicking the More>> option. 

Response Types

The following Checklist Response Types are available:

Text: Lets a single line of text to be typed. You can indicate whether to use plain text or rich text.

Date: Text box in format of dd-mm-yy and a date picker.

Date - time: Text box in format of dd-mm-yy and date and time pickers.

Checkbox: A single checkbox to be ticked.

Label: Free text used to provide information that does not require a direct response.

Signature: Text box used for a digital signature.

Attach File: Lets supporting files to be attached.

Text Area: Lets multiple lines of free text to be typed.

Yes/No: A dropdown box with the option to select Yes, No, or N/A.

Checkbox Group: Lets a user defined list of check boxes be available to be selected individually.

Dropdown List: Lets a drop-down list of administrator defined options to be available.

Configuration Table: Lets a drop-down list selection from an existing InEight Document Configuration Table to be available.

Address Book: Lets the selection of a company and subsequent contact to be available.

System Action: Lets Actions (Forms or Mail item) to be raised from the checklist and linked

If there are configured dependent fields, they are also supported when configuring the checklist response types.