Reactivate a completed checklist

When a checklist has been closed out in error, you can reactivate it, so you can correctly complete checklist items.

Reactivate a checklist

Summary: Reactivate a checklist when a checklist if a checklist question was missed or the checklist should not have been verified.

Considerations: You must be a member of the Reactivate Checklist security group in the Checklist module security. If you have Personal security in this group, you can only reactivate your own checklist.

Quick steps:

  1. From the Checklist register, select a completed checklist.

  2. Expand the Actions menu, and then select Reactivate checklist. A Reactivate checklist confirmation box opens.

  3. Click Proceed.

What's next: The checklist is set to an active state, and you can complete checklist items.