Additional Options

Exporting Defects

The export tool allows you to export all items or only selected items from the Defects Register to an excel spreadsheet, which displays the metadata against each defect.

Defect Notifications

Notifications for the Defects Module can be disabled as required, through the User Preferences setting in the Notifications tab.


Replace Inspector / Replace Sub Contractor

There may be a time where a Sub Contractor or Inspector is unable to complete the defect, in this case administrators can re-assign the defect to another Sub Contractor or Inspector.

The Sub Contractor/Inspector that is assigned to a defect can be replaced by another Sub Contractor/Inspector as follows:

  1. Click Actions then select Replace Sub Contractor or Replace Inspector from the Defects Register.

  2. Select the Sub Contractor or Inspector that needs to be replaced and confirm when prompted.

  3. The Sub Contractor or Inspector will be removed and the new Sub Contractor or Inspector will be added.

Key Contacts

To specify key contacts:

  1. Click Actions then Key Contacts from the Defects Register.

  2. Select the Key Contacts to add or remove.

Project Settings

Defect settings can be found by clicking the Defects tab in project settings.

Setting Description
Default Days to Rectify Defects Sets the default number of days an assigned Sub Contractor has to resolve the defect. When a new defect is created and assigned a Sub Contractor the Due by Date will automatically be populated with a date in the future that is the current date, plus the specified number of days.
Mark New Defect Entries Assigns a default Passed value when creating new defects.
Rank Captions Rank Captions allows the Primary Administrator to specify an alternate name for each of the Project Inspection List levels. This alternate name replaces the default name in all instances. This can revert back to the default name by deleting the assigned ‘Caption’.
Automatic Numbering Automatic Numbering can be configured for Defects in Project Settings under the Auto Numbering tab. This allows the user to control the format of defect reference numbers.