Activate eSignature integration

Before you can send a document for eSignature with DocuSign or Adobe Sign, you must activate the eSignature integration for the project. The integration is configured at the company level (Address book > Companies).

To enable the feature, you must have an eSignature solution available with a service account to ensure that users are able to access the required licenses. You can integrate with only one eSignature solution in a project. When you select an eSignature solution, the others become disabled.

eSignature options

When you activate the eSignature integration, you can specify options for uploading the signed PDF, how the history file is uploaded, and the contacts and companies that have access to eSignature functions.

Signed PDF upload options

When the signed PDF is returned, it can either replace the existing view file, or it can be uploaded as a new version of the document. The How will the signed PDF be uploaded to the Document register section of the External integrations tab has the following options:

Option Description
Replace existing view file The signed PDF automatically replaces the original file in the register. No uploading is required.
Uploaded as a new version of the document The signed PDF is uploaded as a new version of the document. Versioning must be required in the project to select this option. You must also select a user name to be used for the new versions of the document when they are uploaded. The user does not manually upload the file; their name is used to associate the file to a user name. This user must be able to upload documents per the document being sent for signature.

History file options

You have the option to track the history of the documents. You can choose no history, a linked history document, or a merged document. the How will the history file be uploaded to the Document register section has the following options:

Option Description
No history file No history is recorded or uploaded to the Documents register.
As a new document and linked to the original document

A separate document for the history is uploaded and linked to the signed document. You must also specify a user to upload the history file. The user does not manually upload the file; their name is used to associate the file to a user name. This user must be able to upload documents per the document being sent for signature.

You must also define default attributes to the new document. Click the Click to define the default metadata for documents containing history file link. The Default attributes dialog box opens, where you enter the revision, status, discipline type, and other information.

Merge with the signed and completed PDF The history file is merged with the signed PDF in a single file.

Contact access

You can provide access to eSignature functions to all users in your company or only selected users in your company. The Provide access to section has the following options:

Option Description
All users in my company Provides access to all users in the company.
Selected users in my company You can select the users that have access from a list of contacts in the Select contact to have access to eSignature list and move them to the Contacts given access to eSignature column.
Allow other companies to use eSignature Select this check box to allow other companies to use eSignature.
Display Lets you select whether users, departments, or entire companies can use eSignature. You can then select the users, departments, or companies to have access.

Activate eSignature integration

Summary: Activate the DocuSign or Adobe Sign integration so that contacts can send files to your eSignature solution for a signature.

Considerations: The company must have an active account with DocuSign or Adobe Sign, and you must complete the applicable configuration in that solution. You can integrate with only one eSignature solution in a project. The account must have access to envelope creation in the eSignature solution.

You must be the administrator or a relevant user of the company to set up the integration, so the integration can rely on the company's eSignature subscription.

If you plan to upload the signed PDF as a new version of the document, versioning must be enabled for the project.

Quick steps:

  1. Go to the External integrations page for the company (Address book > Companies > [select company] > External integrations).

  2. Scroll to the eSignature section, and then click Activate link.

    The DocuSign sign-in dialog box opens.

  3. Enter your DocuSign credentials, and then follow the instructions in the DocuSign dialog. DocuSign shows a success message when the DocuSign set up is complete. Refer to the DocuSign documentation for information about signing in and completing the integration.

  4. Close the DocuSign success message.

  5. Choose how the signed PDF is uploaded to the Document register. If you choose to upload as a new version of the document, the File upload user field is enabled, and you must select the user that is associated with the new uploaded version.

  6. Choose how the history file is uploaded to the Document register if you want one. If you choose No history file or Merge with the signed and completed PDF, skip the next steps, and then continue with step 10.

  7. If you choose to upload the history file and link it to the original document, select the name of the user that is associated with the new uploaded version.

  8. Click the Click to define the default metadata for documents containing history file link. The Default attributes dialog box opens.

  9. Enter the default attributes, and then click Save.

  10. Indicate whether you are providing access to all users in the company or selected users in the company. If you choose only selected users, select the users from the list.

  11. Indicate whether to allow other companies to use eSignature. If you choose to allow other companies to use eSignature, indicate whether it is selected users, selected departments, or the entire company, and then enter your selections.

  12. Click Save.

What's next: You can send documents to DocuSign or Adobe sign for eSignature.