Send a document for eSignature

You can a send a PDF or Microsoft Word document for DocuSign or Adobe Sign for eSignature from the document register or from the document itself.

Send a document for eSignature

Summary: Send a document to DocuSign or Adobe sign when you want to get one or more electronic signatures on a file. eSignature functions are not associated to document workflow.

Considerations: Integration with the eSignature solution must already be set up for your company. If signature roles have been defined in the solution, you can embed the roles in documents.

The document must be unrestrained and not previously signed. Only one file type can exist in the document.

Quick steps:

  1. From the Documents register, select an unrestrained PDF or Word document. Alternatively, you can initiate sending the document for eSignature from the Details page of the document, and begin with step 2.

  2. Expand the Options menu, and then select Send for signature. A wizard opens to assist you in setting up signers and adding a message to the email notification that the eSignature solution sends.

    If the document contains multiple file formats, you are prompted to select the file type to send for signature.

  3. From the Signature role name page of the Send for signature wizard, assign the roles, the associated users, and the signing order.

    • If roles have been created in the eSignature solution and they are embedded in the file, a list of roles shows. You can then select the applicable company and user name. If you do not want to use a listed role, you can select it and then click the Delete icon.

    • If no roles have been created, or you want to add to the list of existing roles, click the Add icon, and then enter the signature role. You can then select the applicable company and user name.

  4. Enter the signing order for the roles, and then click Next. Page 2 of the wizard, Add notification, opens.

  5. Enter the text for the subject line of the notification text that the eSignatue solution sends to the signees. You also can optionally enter message text.

  6. Click Next. A preview opens in the eSignatue solution.

  7. Use the eSignature solution's interface to preview the document and define any required roles.

  8. Click Send.

What's next: The eSignature solution sends notifications to the signees in the designated order. After the document is signed, Document uploads it to the register according to the eSignature configuration. Document also sends you a notification that includes a link to the document.

If the signature process has failed, the eSignature solution sends a failure notification.

You can track the signature status from the documents register.