Preparing a Workflow Form

Workflow forms:

Before activating a workflow form for the first time, the following preparation is required:

  1. Status codes (if required) need to be configured.

  2. Status codes need to be allocated.

  3. Workflow steps need to be defined.

  4. Form participants need to be assigned.

Understanding status codes:

Form status codes are used to help recipients identify which step a form is at and what action is required. The list of available status codes is defined by the administrator via the configuration tables. The available status codes can be defined to be used generically on different form types or can be defined specifically for each form type.

  • Forms display the status drop-down in order of the Title values.

  • For workflow based forms, status values are assigned per workflow step.

  • For non-workflow forms, one or more status values are usually associated with them.

Understanding workflow steps:

  • Workflow steps combine logically to form a workflow that determines the process by which recipients perform actions relating to each section of the form.

  • A form must have a mandatory start step (that initiates the form) and an end step (that closes the form).

  • Each step must have one or more sections allocated to it.

  • Each step also requires one or more recipients who are given a completion date. All recipients must complete the step by that date unless they have been marked as Optional, or there are two recipients who have been marked as Either.

  • Each step is assigned a status, which identifies the status of the form through the workflow.

  • At the completion of each step (once Complete Action is clicked), Next Actions are presented to the user. Each Next Action will drive which workflow step is done next. For steps that are assigned to multiple recipients, the last recipient to complete the step will select the Next Action. The Next Action can also be assigned a status, in which case it will override the step status.