Workflow Form

Step by Step — Initiate a new workflow form

Summary: Initiate a workflow form when there are multiple form sections to be completed as steps.

  1. Click the Add icon, and then select the form type.

  2. Click Select reviewers.

  3. Select the workflow distribution group from the drop-down menu, and then click Save.

  4. Enter in the form details.

  5. Click Attach files to upload files.

  6. Click Complete action. Document sends a notification to the people in the next step of the workflow. You can save the form as a draft until you are ready to complete the form and click Complete action..

Step by Step — Participate in a workflow form

Summary: When you receive a notification that a workflow form needs action, you can access the form and complete the form sections.

Considerations: Multiple users can receive a notification for the same form. All form participants will receive a notification advising them of the forms they need to action.

  1. From the Forms tile on the Dashboard or the Forms register, click a form name to open it.

  1. The relevant sections of the form are enabled. Complete the form as required.

  2. Save the form. When you save the form when other users are working simultaneously in the same form, Document shows a message warning that other users have made changes. When a form is left open and other users have made changes prior to anyone saving it, a list of changes is shown. You can then choose to overwrite the changes with your own or accept the updates other users have made to the form.

  3. After you have completed your section, click Complete Action.

  4. If form steps have been configured, you will be prompted to nominate the next step of progressing forward or reverting to a previous step.

  5. After the final step for a form has been completed and the status updated to Closed Out, the form becomes locked and can no longer be edited. The Iinitiator or a user with full access to forms from the same company can reactivate the form within the Forms register. Forms with a status of Outstanding can still be edited.