Navigating the Dashboard and top menus


The Dashboard is made up of tiles that show you project information from each module. The tiles can be made bigger or smaller and tiles can be added and removed.

Access InEight Document modules by using the tile widgets or by using the drop-down menus on the top. There are four drop-down menus on top of the screen: Main, New ,Module , Quick Launch bar. In addition, Settings/Help can be accessed from the top-right menu items.

four drop-down menus on top of the register; Main, New, Module, Quick Launch bar and Settings/Help

Menu Items


Main MenuUse the Main Menu to access your favorite projects, settings, all projects and InEight products you have access to.

New Menu

Use the New Menu to quickly create new items for each module you have access to.

Module Menu

Use this menu to switch between the different modules of the project.

Quick Launch BarUse the Quick Launch Bar to create quick launch links to access your most common functions.
Settings/HelpUse these menu options to access admin settings, help and user preferences.