Administration Reports

Some reports are only available to administrators or those with delegated administration access (for nominated roles such as Review Coordinators).

Report No.



Report Group: Address Book


Details - by Company ID & Contact ID

A simple address list report of all contacts (with Contact ID in brackets) in the address book sorted by Company and User.


Details - by Company ID & Last Name

Similar to Report 001 but sorted by Company and Last Name of the contact.


Details - by Contact ID

Similar to Report 001 but sorted by Contact ID.


Details - by Last Name

Similar to Report 001 but sorted by Last Name of the contact.


Details - by Company Type

Similar to Report 001 but sorted by Company Type.


Details – by User Type

This is a useful report to print User Details with filter options for:

  • External contacts

  • Restricted Users

  • Users Allocated to Security Groups

  • Users who are not external contacts and are not yet allocated to a security group


Details - by Active Users

Similar to Report 001 but includes only Active Users.


Contact Groups

A report on the contacts belonging to each contact group.

Report Group: Administration


Notifications History – by Notification Type

Enables Administrators to generate a report on all email notifications that have been sent from the system.  This provides a full historical archive of who was notified about what, and when.  The report details are grouped by Notification Type.


A simple filter is provided when running this report to enable the user to easily select from:

  • Notification Type

  • Date Range for Date Sent

  • From Company/Contact

  • To Company/Contact.


Session History Details

An audit report on selected user sessions within a defined date range, including how a user has signed into Document and whether it is through XL Upload, the web interface, or the mobile app.


BIC Report

The “Ball in Court” report lists all outstanding actions by User including:

  • Document Reviews (workflow module)

  • Document Release (workflow module)

  • Document Activation (workflow module)

  • Mail Review

  • Mail Reply

  • Transmittal Review

  • Packages to Release.

Overdue items are highlighted in red.


Document Rules – Review Teams

A report on details of the Review Teams defined in the workflow module.


Logon Disclaimer Report

A report detailing which users agreed and which users did not agree to the disclaimer message shown at first logon.


Free Form Review Teams

A report listing the details of each Free Form Review Team defined for use with the workflow module.


User (List all Access)

A report listing the security group and access to InEight Document modules for each user.  The report has the option to include a complete history of changes to each user’s security settings with historical settings highlighted in grey.


User Active/Inactive History

An audit trail of all actions relating to the creation and updating of InEight Document users.  The active column indicates whether the user is Active (yes) or Inactive (No).


Security Group Details

For each security group, lists the access settings for each mail type.  The report has the option to include a complete history of changes to each security group settings with historical settings highlighted in grey.


TeamBinder Administrators Details

Lists the details of all Administrators on a particular project.


Distribution Rules

Allows you to quickly review the document distribution rules for your team.