Link documents to submittals

When deliverables are disabled, the managing company links documents directly to submittals. The linked documents serve as placeholders for the documents that are uploaded by the issuing company. After the issue company receives the submittal, they can then upload the factual deliverable file in the placeholder.

For information about linking documents to deliverables in a submittal, see Link documents to deliverables.

Link documents to submittals prior to issue

You can link documents to create placeholders for the documents requested in the submittal. This can ensure that the issued-to company sends the expected documents.

A project setting, Allow submittal recipient to add new documents, lets you restrict the issued-to company from adding new files that do not have a document placeholder. When selected, the issued to company can add any files to the submittal. When unselected, the issued-to company can only add files to the documents sent by the managing company.

  1. From the Submittals register, click on a submittal number to open the submittal, and then click on the Documents tab.

  2. Click Link existing document, and then select Documents.

    The Add document dialog box opens.

  3. Enter search criteria to find your documents, and then select your documents from the search results.

  4. Click Save.

You can issue the submittal to the issued-to company. The issued-to company can upload documents to the placeholders.

Link additional documents after issue

You can link additional documents after the submittal. A dialog box opens and asks if you want to notify the issued-to company of the added document. If you click No, the links are sent without notification. If you click Yes, the Generate transmittal page opens, and you can format the notification before sending the links.