Create sets

You can group submittals into sets and view them in a separate register. Creating sets lets you view and organize a collection of submittals to export out of the system.

Step by Step — Create sets

You can create a set when you want to see a group of submittals together instead of having to search for each one individually.

You must have the proper permissions to create sets.

  1. From the Submittals register, select one or more submittals, and then click Create Set.

    The Submittal Set details page opens.

  2. Enter the set detail information, and then click Save.

You can view the set in the Set register (Submittals > Sets). You can add documents that support the Set on the Supporting Documentation tab. You can also modify the set to add or delete submittals.

Step by Step — Modify the list of submittals in a set

You can add submittals to a set or delete submittals from a set as needed.

  1. From the Submittals Sets register, click a Set ID to open the set Details page, and then go to the Submittals tab.

  2. Use the Add or Delete icons to add or delete submittals.

    • To add a submittal to the set, click the Add icon, and then use the search criteria to find submittals. When you get the search results, you can select from the list, and then click Save.

    • To delete a submittal, select the submittal in the register, and then click the Delete icon.