Creating Tasks
The Tasks feature enables users to assign and manage project related tasks within InEight Document.
Creating Tasks from the New Menu
To create a task:
At the New Task screen, select or enter the following:
To: Enter the name of the person (s) the task is being assign to.
Select the Owner of the Task (Company and Contact)
Select the Due Date for the Task.
Enter a Subject for the Task.
Enter the Description of the Task.
Go to the Items tab to link or associate the tasks with one or more work items from the various InEight Document modules (Mail, Document, Transmittals or Packages).
Select the module you want to link items to, then click icon.
The standard search window for each module appears, set the required search criteria and click Search.
Select the relevant work items and click to add them.
Click Save to complete linking the items.
An email notification will be sent to the user(s) allocated the task and will also appear in their Tasks Inbox.
The From value is always the person logged in creating the Task.
The Status of all newly created Tasks is set to “New” automatically by the system and sent tasks are stored in the Tasks Sent register.
If a Task is assigned to more than one person:
Each recipient can manage their own Action Status and Percentage complete against the Task.
As soon as the first recipient changes the Action Status from “New” to something else, the overall Task Status will change to “In Progress”.
Once a Task recipient updates their Task Status to “Completed” the task Owner is notified.
Once all recipients have updated their Task Status to “Completed” the overall status of the task will change to completed.