Selecting Mail Types for TenderDocs

Mail types need to be set up to enable Tenderers to receive and respond to correspondence through the TenderDocs portal.

Step by Step — Select mail types

Select the mail types that are used in the TenderDocs portal.

  1. From the Inbox register, click Actions -> Admin and select Configure Mail Workflow.

  1. Select Available in Tender Docs against mail types which should be used by the Tenderers.

You can optionally add default project attributes for each mail type.

Step by Step — Add default project attributes to TenderDocs mail types

You can add default project attributes, including the original reference number, discipline, area, and location to be used in the TenderDocs mail workflow.

The attributes are used with TenderDocs only. The settings are default values, automatically populated when sending mail through TenderDocs.

  1. From the Configure Mail Workflow dialog box (Actions > Admin > Configure Mail Workflow), click the Define Attribute Values link for a TenderDocs mail type. The Project Mail Default Attributes dialog box opens.

  2. Enter values for the original reference number, discipline, area, and location. All fields are optional.

  3. Click Save.