Plan 23.12 Release Notes

  • Unsaved views and Global template – You will now see an unsaved view option when making changes to the quantity tracking layout. The option to share the current view can also be shared as a global template. If recipients make changes to the global template, the changes will be in an unsaved view. For more information, see Viewsets
  • Plan URL filtering enhancement – Added parameters that can be specified in a URL link into Plan, that allows you to quickly locate specific components from a link outside of the InEight cloud platform. ClosedRead more

    The new parameters added are:

    •projectid (must be given always)







    For more information, see Page Navigation

  • Added ability to save a note-only entry against a component – No claiming is required to save a note against a component. Previously, a note was only saved with a claiming adjustment record.

  • Bulk update ITP mapping – Updated ITP mapping in the quantity tracking view to allow for batches of 50 components to be associated with the same ITP values, or batch removed.