Platform 24.7 Release Notes

This is a preview of the upcoming release. General release is available starting 05-AUG-2024.

  • InEight Control permissions for Actuals – In Roles and permissions > Permissions > Control > Actuals, permissions were restructured and renamed to better align with the feature functionality. ClosedRead more

    The following changes were made to the permissions, and the differences can be seen in the image below.

    • Deleted Edit current period actuals.
    • Renamed Edit quantities to Edit open period quantities.

    • Renamed Edit Cost to Edit open period costs.

    • Renamed Edit man-hours to Edit open period man-hours.

    • Renamed Edit equip-hours to Edit open period equip-hours.

    • Deleted Edit current and non-current period actuals.

    • Renamed Edit quantities (Plan and Progress overwrite) to Edit any quantities (Plan and Progress overwrite) and moved under Edit any period quantities.

    • Renamed Edit cost to Edit any period cost.

    • Added Edit period man-hours to Edit any period man-hours.

    • Renamed Edit period equip-hours to Edit any period equip-hours.

    Control Actuals permissions

  • InEight Change permission – In Roles and permissions > Permissions > Change, a new permission labeled Delete issues has been added. Users with this permission can delete issues from the Issue log.

  • Status added to individual Validated list items – In Master data libraries > Attributes, a Status field has been added on the Validated list slide-out panel that allows you to set the availability of individual items in the list. ClosedRead more

    Attributes validated list status

    If an item in the validated list is set to Unavailable, then it cannot be selected from the drop-down list for that attribute. With the addition of the Status field, the Delete icon has been removed from the page. The status ensures that when a validated list for an attribute is assigned to a project value type, discipline, or commodity, it only shows the list values that are Available.

  • Assigned disciplines and commodities status - In project > Project Settings > Assigned disciplines and commodities, these pages now include a Status column that shows if the discipline or commodity is available or unavailable for the project. With the addition of the Status field, the Delete icon has been removed from the page. ClosedRead more

    Assigned disciplines and commodities status

  • Correspondence document type default applications – In Suite administration > File storage, the correspondence document type has been updated to automatically include Contract and Change as default applications, and they cannot be removed.


APIM Integrations 24.7 Release Notes

The InEight cloud platform continually adds new integrations and works to improve existing integrations based on customer feedback. These release notes provide a summary only. For additional information, refer to the integration specification changelog in Resources > APIM Documents and the InEight API Developer Portal.

New integrations

InEight Estimate


  • Description: This integration allows a customer to read and export accounts from InEight Estimate to their internal systems.
  • Name in APIM: List Accounts


  • Description: This integration allows a customer to read and export currencies from InEight Estimate to their internal systems.
  • Name in APIM: List Currencies

Units of measure

  • Description: This integration allows a customer to read and export units of measure from InEight Estimate to their internal systems.
  • Name in APIM: List UnitsOfMeasure

User tags

  • Description: This integration allows a customer to read and export user tags from InEight Estimate to their internal systems.
  • Name in APIM: List UserTags

Integration changes

InEight Contract

Payment Payform (Request)

  • Change: A new field was added for CreditIndicator in the PaymentRequestContractDetail array.
  • Name in APIM: Not available in APIM.

InEight Platform


  • Change: Commodities integrations have been updated to remove IsActive and add IsSystem and IsAvailable fields.
  • Name in APIM: List Commodities, Upsert Commodities


  • Change: Disciplines integrations have been updated to IsActive and add IsSystem and IsAvailable fields.
  • Name in APIM: List Disciplines, Upsert Disciplines