Integrated Email Service

InEight Document can automatically route normal emails sent to a Project based company email address, directly into the system electronically.

This facility can be provided on a per receiving company (or department), per project basis. Any company on the project who wants to allow people to send them communications by email rather than by logging into InEight Document can arrange the activation of the Email-In feature by contacting InEight.

The process for applying, activating, and using the Email-In service is summarized as follows:

  1. A decision is made by a company on a project to use the Email-In service.

  2. The company contacts InEight who arranges an email address specifically for this purpose (only InEight can arrange this).

  3. The company then notifies their own staff for the purpose of forwarding project related emails into InEight Document and external parties to email into InEight Document.

  4. Any emails sent to the email address set-up will appear in InEight Document in the Unregistered mailbox where they are processed. This task is normally allocated to a nominated person who checks for incoming emails daily.

  5. The person nominated views all incoming emails received and assigns the correct TO, FROM, CC and Mail type details after viewing the electronic copy of the email on line. The FROM person will be auto mapped if their email address exists in the project address book.

  6. InEight Document then processes the email as though the sender had created it on line from within InEight Document.

  7. The Sender also receives an email advising them that the email has been received and processed.

  • Setup email address can be found under Companies, open the Company, Email-in address.

  • Fax can be setup in a similar way to Email, a nominal monthly charge applies.

  • It is possible to have a single Email-In address that is used to receive mail from multiple projects. All such mail is routed into a single nominated project and from that project can be read and transferred to the correct project. Contact InEight for more information.