image of a male construction planner-scheduler in front of the computer screen
Use Case

The scheduler reviews the feedback from the Piping team and makes adjustments to the piping activities accordingly in the schedule. 

This section covers how the scheduler uses InEight Schedule to review feedback from experts in the field and make necessary updates to the schedule.

Get Feedback to Validate the Plan

Schedule Review

As the scheduler, you want to complete a close review of the current plan and identify any discrepancies between the outlook in your office and the discipline leads in the field. By sharing early versions of the schedule with subject matter experts (SMEs), you can increase transparency and validate the scope, durations, and logic of the schedule.

Once the SMEs complete their markup, you’re ready to review their feedback and make determinations.

Follow the steps below to see an example of a schedule review.

Step 1

To review the feedback you received from the Piping team, you first open the Schedule Review view from the Project View drop-down menu. 

A screenshot of a schedule

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Step 2

Locate the section you want to review. In this case, you expand the section the piping work and click on the first activity.

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Step 3

In the Iris panel, you can view the markup details from each SME.

In this case, we can see that the Superintendent agrees with the initial values, while the Foreman and the Piping field engineer have suggested more conservative durations.

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Step 4

Since you received input from multiple reviewers, a distribution triangle is generated based on the feedback.

By default, the distribution is set to a triangular curve, using the minimum value (min), the average value from all contributors (likely), and the maximum value (max).

Switch to Uniform distribution to see a curve based on two points (min, max).

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Step 5

You continue your review of the records for each activity. Based on your review, you may choose to conduct additional follow-up steps, such as discussing areas of low consensus with the team or running simulations based on the SME feedback.

Click End Review Cycle from the Manage Review Cycle page to ensure the feedback remains static as you conduct your review.

Access the following links to learn more about schedule review:

Review Process and Risk Overview

Markup Feedback and Consensus

Update Activities

After completing your review of SME feedback, you make determinations on how to adjust the schedule activities. In InEight Schedule, you have the flexibility to apply quality feedback while disregarding others, as well as to make custom adjustments.

The steps below show an example of updating activities based on SME feedback.

Step 1

From the Iris panel, you click the Apply Progress icon.

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Step 2

In the Apply Schedule Updates pop-up window, you can click a SME layer to deselect it. This will remove that SME’s feedback from the adjustments.

In this example, based on your review you decide to deselect the Superintendent’s markup and keep the Foreman and Piping field engineer’s input.

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You can also manually input a custom Remaining Duration.

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Step 3

When you’re satisfied with the details, click Update Progress. The adjustments will be applied to the schedule activities.

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Now you’ve completed your review of SME feedback and made informed updates to the schedule.

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