Budget moves

When you have issues that are not going to result in client change orders, you can now initiate a budget move in InEight Control directly from the issue, so the value can be moved to another part of the budget.

Initiate a budget move

A budget move from Change creates a contract adjustment in Control. When the Control user creates a budget move, the attributes that were set up in Change flow into Control.

To create a budget move from an issue, click the Actions menu, and then select Submit budget move.

In a budget move, an issue is limited to 250 unique cost items or 100 unique pay items. If a message shows indicating that you must remove cost items or pay items, it is best practice to create a new issue. Creating a new issue lets you create another budget move with the removed cost items and pay items.

A budget move is sent to Control with a Draft status. After the budget move is sent to Control, the issue is given a status of Budget move. You cannot associate the issue to a PCO or CCO, and the Pricing tab is disabled. The Control user can review, revise, or delete the budget move. If you make a budget move that is not zero, the Control user can zero out the budget move.

You can track the budget move from the Control budget change section in the Additional details section of the Issue details.

The heading of the Control budget change section shows the Control icon representing the budget move status. The budget move in Control can have one of the following statuses: Approved, Draft, Revised, or Rejected.

Budget move workflow

If workflow is configured for the budget move, the budget move must be approved in Change before it can be sent to Control. The workflow begins after you select Submit budget move from the Actions menu. The Start approval dialog box opens, where you can add a message or attach supporting documents before starting the workflow.

After the workflow has begun, the issue is locked, and no edits can be made while the budget move is pending approval. If the budget move is recalled or rejected, the issue is enabled for editing.

Revise a budget move

If circumstances change, and you need to edit the issue, you can revise the budget move. To revise the budget move, click the Actions menu, and then select Revise budget move.

The status in the Control budget change section changes to Revised. You can then make changes to the pricing or associate the issue to a PCO or CCO.