Change 23.6 Release Notes
Auto calculate cost items – Change can now calculate adjusted values using the difference between the current budget and current estimate from InEight Control. This lets changes to the current estimate in Control to quickly populate change order values, resulting in matching CE and CB values after the change order is completed. You can recalculate the cost item based on cost, quantity, or man-hours.
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Markup calculation levels – Change now supports markups at different calculation levels in the Grand total section in both cost item pricing and the pricing summary. Change adds the value of lower level markups to the grand total to calculate the next level markup.
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Advanced template settings – You can now define template settings based on template type.
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Cost item pricing pay items – You can now view pay item information in cost item pricing. The Pay item field has been added to the Details tab for existing cost items. The Pay item column also has been added to the Cost item pricing grid.
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PCO start date and CCO start date – The PCO start date and CCO start date fields have been added to the PCO and CCO details, respectively . You can use a start date that is different from the created date when the day work on a PCO or CCO was started is different from when the PCO or CCO was created.
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Supporting documents permissions – You can now restrict users from adding, editing, or deleting supporting documents. The Add supporting documents, Edit supporting documents, and Delete supporting documents permissions have been added to the Edit Change permissions in Suite administration> Roles and Permissions > Change > View Change. Existing roles have been updated to have all three options selected if the Edit Change permission is selected.
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Grand total dependent cost items – You can now add dependent cost items to the Grand total section in cost item pricing. This lets you calculate dependent costs like insurance on the total cost and markups above.
Markup % in Issue, PDO, and CCO headers – The Margin field in the Issue, PCO, and CCO headers is now called Markup % to describe the field more accurately. Change writer tags will be updated in the next release.