Change 23.8 Release Notes

  • Budget move workflow – You can now send an issue budget move through approval workflow. Previously, budget moves were sent to InEight Control without approval on the Change side. Now if you are using the workflow, the budget move is not sent to Control until it has been approved in Change. ClosedRead more

    You can set up the workflow approval steps on the organization and project Settings > Workflow assignments > Budget move approval setup page.

    To start a workflow, select Submit budget move from the Actions menu in an issue. After a workflow has begun the issue is locked, and no edits can be made while the budget move is pending approval.

    You can reject or approve the budget move workflow from the email, the issue, or your action items page. If you want to make changes to the issue, you can recall the budget move from the issue page if the status is In approval. When the budget move is recalled or rejected, the issue becomes enabled.

    For more information about workflow assignments, see Workflow assignments.

    For more information about the budget move workflow, see Budget moves.

  • Format large text boxes in Microsoft Word templates – You can now use Word's merge fields to format text boxes with multiple lines, such as the Description of change field, in a Word template instead of using a tag. Using a merge field ensures the text in the generated document is formatted as it is in the text field. ClosedRead more

    The merge field also lets you format the font as needed. The generated document uses the font specified in the template. Other formatting is taken from the text field.

    To use the merge fields in existing templates, you must delete the tag and then insert the merge field. You can then save the template as a new version.

    For an overview of formatting large text boxes see Maintain field formatting. Refer to the instructions in the General tags export for more detailed information about using merge fields.

  • Tag updates – Markup % tags for issues, PCOs, and CCOs have replaced Margin % tags in the general tags to be consistent with the header field name change from Margin to Markup %. The Margin % tags no longer work in templates, and existing templates should be updated. Also, Grand subtotal tags have been added for issues, PCOs, and CCOs.

  • Grand total dependent cost items – The Dependency tab of a grand total dependent cost item now shows all cost items used to calculate the value. This lets you see all cost items, dependent cost items, and markups used to arrive at the grand total. ClosedRead more

    For information about editing dependent cost items, see Dependent cost items

  • Cost item pricing details in workflow notifications – The email notification sent for PCO and CCO approvals now includes cost item pricing information from the issue, if available, so you can compare the value in the change order to the value in InEight Control. ClosedRead more

    The pricing information includes the Adjusted billable amount, the Adjusted cost, and the Current budget.

    For information about PCO and CCO workflow approvals, see Workflow Assignments.

  • RFI Number – You can now add your own RFI number when you add RFI documents with the source My computer. Previously RFI number was only available for items from InEight Document.

  • PCO and CCO workflow absolute threshold support – Change now uses the absolute value of a threshold to start a workflow, so a pricing change in either direction starts the approval workflow. For example, if the threshold is $1000, a change of $1000 or -$1000 or more starts the workflow. For information about thresholds in PCO and CCO workflow, see Workflow Assignments.

  • Budget move permission – A new permission View Change > Approve/Reject budget move has been added. For information about permissions, see Permissions.