9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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The Module landing page is the working page where you can look up and fill out forms or tasks related to the module you selected (e.g., Safety, Environmental, etc.). Depending on your role, you may have the job of creating new forms or tasks, which you can also do from the Module landing page, if you have the correct permissions. From the Compliance landing page, assume you select the Safety module tile. This takes you to the Safety Module landing page.
Title | Description | |
1 |
Module navigation |
Move from the current module landing page back to the Compliance landing page. |
2 |
Left navigation menu |
From this menu you can access all events (filled out forms) or tasks for the module you are in and view their status. If you have Administrator settings, you can perform additional functions by selecting any of the following Administration options:
3 | To do list | A week’s view of your current assigned and pending tasks and scheduled or pending events. |
4 |
Forms or Tasks |
To fill out a form/task, select the appropriate category from the Forms or Tasks drop down list, or search for it by its title. You can then select the form or task to fill it out. You can also schedule a form for a specific date by using the button in the top right corner of the Forms box. |
The following Step by Step walks you through navigation of the Module landing page. It assumes you have privileges to access the Administration settings.
Click the Compliance button in the upper left of the page to go back to the Compliance landing page.
Click the other module tiles such as Environmental, to open their landing page.
Click the Compliance button to go back to the Compliance landing page.
Click the Safety module, and then click on All events on the left side bar menu.
This opens the Events page, where you can see all filled out Safety forms and their status
You can select All tasks to open the Tabs page showing all the Safety tasks and their statuses.
In the Module landing page Forms section, click the Favorites drop-down to view the form categories.
Select a category form from the Favorites drop-down list.
Select from the forms in the category.
You can manage and create new forms or tasks for your team or organization in Templates manager. In the module landing page, click Templates manager on the side bar menu to open the Templates manager page.
You can create new templates and manage existing ones. You can also filter forms or tasks by Categories or Organization.
The To do list shows the events and tasks assigned to y ou that need to be completed in the current week.
You can scroll forward or backward to view events and tasks for other weeks. To scroll, click the arrow icons to the left or right of the window. To go to a specific month, click the month button. Events are shown in dark gray, and tasks are light gray. When events or tasks are overdue, their text color changes to red. You can see how many overdue events and tasks you currently at the bottom right of the To do list.
You can click View all to see a list of all your assigned items for that day when you have several events or tasks assigned in one day.
The following Step by Step walks you through editing a To do list item:
In the To do list, click an event or task.
A box shows you the item’s name and reporter, a High importance icon to mark items of importance, and the Edit icon
Click the Edit icon.
The Edit item dialog box opens
You can make changes to the following fields, if necessary:
When the Importance icon is red, the item is High importance, which is also reflected in the Events or Tasks pages.
Click Save.
You can schedule a form to be filled out for specific event dates.If the event goes beyond the scheduled date, the event state is changed to overdue.
The following Step by Step walks you through scheduling a form from the module landing page.
In the Forms box, click Schedule form in the top right corner.
The Schedule form dialog box opens
Fill out the required fields.
You can click the High importance icon to flag this event as important.
You can click Schedule to set this event to repeat daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly and fill out the required fields.
If you select the Exclude weekends check box, Saturdays and Sundays are greyed-out and will be excluded, even if you already selected those days.
In the Module landing page, under Forms, you can select a category for the type of form you need. Only categories that have available templates show in the drop-down menu.The number of templates associated with the category shows next to each category title.
When you open the module, the default view for Forms and Tasks is Favorites. In each category, you can add your favorites by selecting the Favorite icon next to each category title. When you add forms to your favorites, they show listed in alphabetical order. To remove from your favorites, deselect the Favorite icon.
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
© 2024 InEight, Inc. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Statement | Terms of Service | Cookie Policy | Do not sell/share my information