Forms and Tasks

Launching a Form or Task

You can launch a form or task by navigating to the Compliance landing page, and then choosing a category in the Forms or Tasks window.

In the Forms and Tasks windows you can select the Favorites drop-down list, and then a category associated with the module needs to be selected. A category contains the forms or tasks that are associated with Compliance. If you do not see a category that applies, it means you do not have Compliance assignments to that category for that project.

Locked forms or tasks

An Item Locked message shows when the application detects that you or another user has the same form or task open on another device or browser instance or when the system did not remove the lock.

When the application detects that you have the same form or task open, the Unlock and Edit option shows in the Item Locked message. The message warns you that if you choose to unlock and edit the form or task, any changes made to the form or task in other devices or instances will be lost, and the application will load the form or task data from the last save performed on the server.

The duration of the lock is 15 minutes.

You can choose from the following options:

  • Cancel – Returns you to the previous page. Clicking the Close icon to close also returns you to the previous page.

  • View – Opens the form to see the last saved form data in View mode.

  • Unlock and Edit – Unlocks the form or task for further editing. Any changes to the previous form or task are discarded upon saving or submitting. This option shows when the application detects the same user has the form or task open elsewhere.

Launch a Form

  1. Open the InEight project portfolio web application.

  2. Navigate to the Compliance Landing page module.

  3. Select the Safety module card.

  4. On the Module landing page find the Forms box, and then select a category from the drop-down menu.
    • A list of forms appears on the screen associated to the category selected
  5. Select a form.

    A new window opens showing the selected form

  6. You can close the form by selecting Cancel on the top right corner

    Selecting Cancel results in the loss of any data you have entered since the last time you saved. The system does not autosave your work.

    Launching a Task follows a very similar process. After selecting the appropriate tile (Safety in this case), you select the Task from the Task dialogue, selecting the appropriate category and then task.