9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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There are several possible explanations:
The module is not yet active. You must contact an administrator to activate the module in the module summary settings page.
The project is excluded from the module. An administrator can ensure that the project is not excluded from the module on the module organization settings page.
You do not have any assignments in Compliance. An administrator can give you the proper role and category assignment to your current project.
As an administrator of Compliance, you must work with the company’s account administrator. The account administrator can create a level three role within Platform giving administrative rights to individual Compliance modules or all Compliance modules. Compliance level three admins do not require Compliance roles to be assigned to their user for access.
As a user in Compliance, you must have a Compliance-specific role assigned, which can be found in each module. Platform does not contain Compliance roles. Contact the module admins for further info.
Contact the company’s account administrator for further access. The account admin can create a level three administrator role for the Compliance application and assign it to users, as necessary.
Compliance assignments are per project. If you are assigned to a module on one project, you might not see it on another.
Compliance administration levels can vary by module. The associated admin links are shown depending on the level of access in the module.
The settings for each module are at an organizational level. At a project level, you can view these settings. If you have the permissions to edit these settings in Compliance, you must navigate to the top-level organization.
There are several possible explanations:
Is your module set to active in the module summary page?
Have you made user assignments in that Compliance module?
Do you have projects excluded from seeing the module in the Module organization settings?
Check the Module organization settings and ensure that no projects that you want to see the module have been excluded.
Ensure that users viewing this have assignments in the Compliance module to be able to see these tiles.
These pages are driven by Compliance permissions and roles. If you do not have the user assignment with that role in the project you cannot see these pages in settings.
Permissions can be set up to limit admins’ ability to assign specific roles.
This means they have been inactivated in Platform as a user. All users are pulled into Compliance from Platform and rely on the Platform status of active or inactive.
Reach out to your company’s Compliance administrator for further info.
This is driven by your assignments in Compliance. You can edit a template if all of the following apply:
You have the role that allows you to create and edit templates.
You are assigned to a project that the form is associated with.
You are assigned to the category the form is associated with on that project.
Only projects and categories associated with a template are shown as filter items.
If the template is published, some of the information cannot be modified. After you put the template in draft mode, all the fields are available for editing.
This is only possible if you have a role that gives you this permission. Ensure that you have the proper role in the category and project that you are trying to delete events from. For example, you might have the Admin role in the Incident category and be able to delete, but in the Inspections category, you only have a reporter role that does not allow that. In this scenario, you can delete Incidents on this project but not any Inspections.
For users to show in the people picker, the person must be assigned to the project through Compliance.
People picker questions can be configured to draw from the following sets of users:
Assigned users are those assigned to a project in Platform.
Resource users are those assigned to a project in operational resources in master data libraries.
There are several possible explanations:
Ensure that you do not have any filters set or are on a view that restricts all events from showing.
Ensure that you are navigated to the proper level in the organization structure to view all events you are looking for:
If you are at a project level in the navigation, you can only see the events for that project. If you go up a level in the organization, you can see the events associated with projects under that organizational level.
Ensure assignments have not changed for a given user. Users being removed from a category can affect what is visible on the event list.
This is a permission in Compliance roles. This setting can be assigned at category levels, so you might be able to see every event in one category but not another. If you do not think this is correct, please contact your administrator to discuss your role and permissions in Compliance.
This is a permission in Compliance roles. After items are in Complete status, they are locked and can only be opened and edited with the applicable permission.
There are several possible explanations:
The category on which the event was created has been removed.
The project on which the event was created has been excluded.
Contact the module administrator to have your assignments adjusted.
Ensure that you are navigated to the proper level in the organization structure to view all events you are looking for.
If you are at a project level in the navigation, you can only see the events for that project. If you go up a level in the organization, you can see the events that are associated with projects under that organizational level.
Contact your company’s administrator. The customer code is created during the implementation phase.
The app can be found in the Apple App Store. Download the app called InEight Compliance.
You need to be in a connected environment, and then do a sync for the project. Or you can be on a connected mobile device, and then tap the sync icon in the upper-right of the templates page.
Additional considerations are:
Are the forms published?
Are the forms available on mobile?
Are the forms properly assigned to the given project and category?
This is probably because the template is not being shared as available on mobile. To check this open the template and ensure that it is available on mobile in the properties tab. If it is, you might want to do a sync on your mobile device of the project or the templates page.
Additional considerations are:
Delete the project from the mobile’s recent projects list and download the master data again.
If there are no saved forms, remove and reinstall the application.
Yes. However, be sure to sync any in progress events before logging out. Any forms that have not been synced before logging out are lost. You must log into the app with your username and password to ensure proper access to modules, categories, forms, and roles.
There is currently not a limit, but it is best practice to sync daily to clear the application of completed forms and make them available on the web.
The photos might have been uploaded to your device’s cloud storage. In that case, you can see a low-quality thumbnail as a reference but the original image is not in local storage. In an offline scenario, these photos are not available until the device is connected. When connected, the app can retrieve the photos from cloud storage.
Ensure that you allow the app to save photos locally to the device. When you install and launch the app for the first time, a dialog box asks if the app can have access to the camera, storage, and photos. When you take a photo but do not allow access to storage, photos taken in Compliance are not saved to the local device’s photo library. If you want photos to be saved locally, adjust the settings in Settings > Compliance > Photos.
If you do not want photos taken in the Compliance app to be saved locally on your device, adjust the permissions under Settings > Compliance > Photos.
Yes. You can save the form, and then go to the To-Do List at the bottom of the page. Swipe right on the event to enable sync.
After you save the form, go to the To-Do List at the bottom of the page, and then swipe right. This enables sync.
To avoid this, talk to your Compliance module administrator about adding a submit button to the form.
This option is not currently available. If the form is on the web, it needs to be completed on the web.
App Store updates identify whether there is an update.
Ensure that you completed the form and synced your device. If you have already done so, check the submission history status.
If the status is Failed, there is a sync issue. The event is moved to the To-Do List and a badge indicator is shown. This makes the event accessible and can be updated if desire before trying to sync again.
If the status is Pending, the form continues trying to sync when connected to a network. The event is not shown on the web until the status is Complete in submission history.
Yes, go to the settings and tap Default Project. This lets you set a default all the way down to a category.
The All tab shows all projects the you have access to in Compliance.
The Recent tab shows the six most recent projects you have opened. It stores master data on the device for these projects. When you log into the app and select a project from the All tab, the project’s master data is downloaded, which determines the level of access to modules, categories, forms, and roles. A recent project is accessible when the device is off the network or not connected to Wi-Fi. Additionally, all recent projects’ master data is made current through syncs when the app is launched.
Yes. From the tile view, long press on a project tile and the delete option is shown. From list view, swipe left to show the delete option. This does not remove the project from the All tab. However, removing the project from the Recent tab removes the ability to access the project when offline.
Yes, you can switch between list and tile views by using the toggle in the upper-right of any of the mobile pages for modules, categories, and templates.
Swipe left on the event. An option to delete the event is shown.
Additional Information
9977 N 90th Street, Suite 250 Scottsdale, AZ 85258 | 1-800-637-7496
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