Attributes and project values
You can configure the criteria for how attributes and project value types are associated to a quantity item and if they are required in a project in project > Settings > Design > Quantity Forecasting > Attributes and project values tab. For each attribute and project value, you can configure which one is included, required, and unique.
The following image shows the Attributes and project values tab:
Include – When you turn the Include option to On for a value, the value is made available to select from as optional in quantity items.
Required - When you turn the Required option to On for a value, the value is a required attribute on the quantity item. Required fields will show with an asterisk in the project to let you know which fields are required when adding or editing quantity items. Design checks that these required fields are maintained when adding or editing quantity items in the project.
Unique - The Unique toggle lets you set to On a combination of fields for setting quantity items uniqueness. For example, if you select System, Area, and Turnover in the Unique setting, then Design does not allow two quantity items to exist in that project with the same System, Area, and Turnover combination. Design checks this unique setting every time a quantity item is added or edited in the project. The field must first be set as required to set it as a unique field. The setting is primarily needed for the integration with InEight Plan to automatically associate Plan components to the quantity items in Design. The uniqueness of the field eliminates a potential conflict with quantity items during the Plan component sync and association process.
Component - When the Plan component integration is enabled for the project in the Component integration tab, you can configure which values will integrate with Plan components. To turn the Component field to On, you must first set the field as required and unique. Unique and Component fields must match.
The attribute values are part of the Design application and are used to configure the project’s quantity items. All attributes have Include turned to On by default. You can change the values for each project.
Project values
You can select which project value types can be associated to quantity items and if they are required in a project. The Project value types have Include set to Off by default. The project values are supplemental attributes configured at the organization level. For more information, see Project values in organization settings.
You must have Level 3 – Account Admin permissions in InEight Platform or a role with the applicable permissions in Quantity Forecasting.