
The general settings gives you access to general project configurations. From your project’s home page, you can manage the general settings in Settings > Design > Quantity Forecasting > General.

The image and table below is an overview of the General settings tab:

General settings tab
1 Auto ID configuration

Allows project admins to set whether an ID is system generated or user specified when a new Quantity Item is added to the project.

2 Account code set Allows project admins to enable the use of Account Code Sets on a project and select which Account Code Set to use. Account Code Sets are created in the Org Settings and consist of many Account Codes that are tagged with Design Element, UoM, Ground, Discipline, Qty Source information. When an Account Code Set is tied to a project, the tagged attribute fields will be auto populated on the Quantity Item when an Account Code is assigned. The Quantity Items grid must be empty to enable/disable the Account Code Set project setting. When an Account Code Set is tied to a project, only those Account Codes in the set will be available to assign to the Quantity Item. This setting gives project admins the option to use either the Primary UoMs or Alternate System UoMs on the project when an Account Code is assigned to a Quantity Item. Project admins can also enable the ability to edit the inherited UoMs and their usage in the column, add or edit in the slide-out panel, and via import. To disable the feature, all Quantity Item UoMs must align to the assigned Account Code’s UoM from the associated Account Code Set.
3 Control Integration Enable integration of InEight Control’s WBS attributes for the project. Quantity items will inherit the Account code, Cost segment, UoM, Pay item, and Assigned attributes. The inherited attributes are disabled in the quantity item fields. To enable Control Integration, the WBS phase code must be selected as Required and Unique in the Quantity Forecasting > Fields and component integration settings tab and existing data must align with Control’s WBS attributes.
4 Manual Unit Rate Configuration

Allows project admins to manually set the OB MHrs/Unit and/or CB MHrs/Unit on all the Quantity Items in the project. When the setting is enabled, the OB and/or CB MHrs will not be generated using the unit rates from InEight Control. With the setting enabled, the “Get OB MHrs/Unit” and/or the “Get CB MHrs/Unit” will be removed from the Actions menu and the OB MHrs/Unit and/or CB MHrs/Unit fields will become editable. The system requires all OB MHrs/Unit and/or CB MHrs/Unit fields to be empty to turn this setting Off. If you were functioning off Control OB and/or CB Unit Rates, then the system will allow you to turn this setting On, but all the OB and/or CB Unit Rate fields will be cleared.

5 CE MHrs Configuration Allows project admins to specify which unit rate should be used to calculate the CE MHrs on each Quantity Item in the project. The setting allows for either the CE unit rate or the CB unit rate to be used to drive the CE MHrs. This setting will be applied to all Quantity Items in the project. The setting can be changed in the middle of a project. If the setting is changed, the user will be prompted with a warning message and the system will automatically update the CE MHrs on every Quantity Item using the updated unit rate.
6 Notes

Tags - Allows project admins to add and remove tags on project which can be added to the individual notes maintained on a Quantity Item. Once a tag is created in the Organization Settings, then it will become available to add to a project through this project settings.


You must have Level 3 – Account Admin permissions in InEight Platform or a role with the applicable permissions in Quantity Forecasting.