Compliance issues
Compliance yellow caution icons are shown on scope items where claiming is disabled due to missing data or cost item data discrepancies with the scope item. The caution icon is shown in the ID column and the Compliance column on the Scope Items page.
The Compliance column is not part of the default view but can be added to the page as an available column through the column chooser.
To see which fields are causing a compliance issue, select the scope item with the issue, and then click the Edit scope item icon. In the Edit scope item slide-out panel, fields with issues show caution icons. When you hover over a caution icon, a message is shown with issue details and how to resolve the issue. You must resolve all compliance issues to enable claiming on a scope item.
The following list details of compliance issues and how to resolve them:
Claiming is disabled when a scope item qty value is 0.00. Add quantity to the scope item to enable claiming.
WBS phase code assignment is missing on the resource type. Assign a WBS phase code to the resource type to enable claiming.
WBS UoM does not align with the scope item UoM. Update the scope item UoM to match the WBS UoM or assign a different WBS with an associated UoM that matches the scope item UoM.
The following compliance issues show only when ACS is enabled on the project:
Account code UoM does not match the scope item UoM. Update the scope item UoM to match the account code UoM or assign a different account code with an associated UoM that matches the scope item UoM.
Account code UoM does not match the scope item UoM. Update the scope item UoM to match the account code UoM or assign a different account code with an associated UoM that matches the scope item UoM. This is applicable only if account code sets are enabled for the project.