Associate to quantity items

You can associate multiple quantity items to an observation in the Quantity Items page.


You must first add the observation and have Quantity items selected in the Associate to field to associate quantity items in the Quantity Items page.

Associate quantity items to an observation from the Quantity Items page

  1. In the Quantity Items page, select the quantity items you want to associate to the observation.

  2. Click Associate observations. The Associate observations slide-out panel opens.

  3. Select the observations to associate the quantity items to, and then click Save.

Associate quantity items to an existing observation

You must first associate quantity items to your observation in the Quantity Items page.

  1. In the Observation page, click an observation ID.

  2. Select the Quantity Items tab.

  3. Select the quantity items you want to associate to the observation, and then click Save.

To remove quantity item associations, select the quantity items, and then click Remove association.