Quantity driver


The quantity driver designates which design stage drives a quantity item’s forecast (TO) qty. Design stages are used to group and collect quantities as the design changes. Design stages are created at the organization level and added at the project level.

You can update the quantity driver using the Edit quantity item slide-out panel, the Quantity items grid, or the import process. When you select a stage to be the quantity driver, the Forecast (TO) qty field is automatically updated and a blue pushpin icon is added to the design stage.

When the quantity is updated and the quantity item is associated to a cost item, the quantity is sent to InEight Control. Any quantity where the UoM does not align between a cost item and a quantity item is not sent to Control.

You can set the quantity driver to be the CB quantity, any of your project's design stages, or component quantity. Component quantity is the sum of quantities of components from InEight Plan associated to the quantity item.


  • You can select Component qty as the quantity driver only if the Design Complete check box is selected for the quantity item.

  • You can set a stage as the quantity driver even if no quantity is maintained on that stage. In this case, the Forecast (TO) qty field is set to 0.00.