Quantity items

The Quantity items page contains the main grid for managing all quantity items and progressing quantities on a project.

The following image and table give an overview of each section of the Quantity items page:

Overview - Quantity items page
Title Description
1 Actions menu

Do any of the following:

  • Get Control unit rates
  • Run report
  • Lock and unlock scope
  • Quantity change notes
2 Quantity item buttons Add, edit, and delete quantity items.
3 Hide archived When a quantity item is set to archived and the toggle is turned to On, the quantity item will no longer load nor show in the grid to improve project load performance. You can make the archived items show by turning the Hide Archived toggle to Off. When turning the toggle to Off, the items marked as archived will load. The toggle is set to On by default.
4 View Select, save, rename, and delete views.
5 Upper right toolbar icons
  • Data conflicts - Show whether conflicts exist.

  • Create Query Filters – Open the query builder.

  • Import and Export - Import and export sets of data.

  • Row density lets you adjust the spacing of grid rows

  • Find lets you search quantity items.

6 Quantity items Grid showing quantity items and related information organized by column.
7 Column chooser Select which columns are shown or hidden.


You must have Level 3 – Account Admin permissions in InEight Platform or a role with the applicable permissions in Quantity Forecasting.