Processing Unregistered Mail

Unregistered Mail refers to any mail generated outside InEight Document either as a reply to InEight Mail (from an External Contact) or using an InEight Email-in address. As it is generated outside of InEight DOC it will be missing at least one classification (mail type) and therefore needs to be assigned any missing fields, including recipients before it can be processed into recipient Inboxes.

Generally Unregistered Mail is delivered back into InEight via a company or department Unregistered mailbox where it is accessed by an administrator for processing. However, if the Unregistered Mail is a response to InEight Mail it may return directly to the originator’s personal Unregistered Mailbox.

For unregistered mail processed at either a company or department level, the intended recipients are notified about the new incoming mail by notification in the normal way and the new mail appears in their inbox in the same way as it would as if the sender had generated and sent the mail via InEight Document.

To process unregistered mail:

  1. From the left menu click Mail then Unregistered.

  1. Open the mail that you wish to process by double clicking on it.

  2. Select the recipients as you would a normal InEight Document mail.

  3. Select who the Mail was FROM. If the “From” person cannot be located, use the New Contact link to add them to the system.

  1. Select the relevant mail type (e.g. RFI, MEMO etc.).

  1. Populate the details of the mail that will be used to distribute this incoming email.

  2. Depending on Project Settings you may be able to modify the mail message prior to sending.

  3. Send the mail as normal using the Send button.

  • The system attempts to map the FROM person who sent the email to the correct contact in the InEight Document address book automatically based on intelligent email number recognition.

  • Any attachments received on the email will be automatically attached to the mail.

  • The details of how and when the email was received, and when it was processed are stored as part of the mail being used to distribute it and cannot be edited.

  • Users can only process Unregistered mail that has been sent to their own Company’s email address.

  • For Incoming Emails sent to a company based email address with personal unregistered mail activated, if the addressee is mapped to one or more specific contacts then the unregistered mail would be displayed under Company Mail (Mapped) AND under the Personal Unregistered Mail for the mapped contacts. The mail can be processed by either a user with Company Mail access OR the addressee to who it is mapped. If none of the addressees are mapped, the mail will appear under the Company mail view only.

  • For Incoming Emails sent to a Department based email address with personal unregistered mail activated, If the addressee is mapped to one or more specific contacts then the unregistered mail would be displayed under Department Mail (Mapped), Company Mail (Mapped) AND under the Personal Unregistered Mail for the mapped contacts. The mail can be processed by a user with Department Mail access (and belongs to the relevant department) a user with Company access (regardless of his department) OR the addressee to who it is mapped. If none of the addressees are mapped, the mail will appear under the Department mail view only.

  • The processed mail will be placed in the Sent items of the person marked in the FROM box of the mail (even though that person may not be an InEight Document user).

  • It is possible to reprocess a processed email. Click the Advanced mail search button and change the Mail Status option group setting to Processed or All rather than the default setting of Unprocessed. Note that the system will warn you that you are reprocessing an incoming email.

  • Use Delete to delete any unregistered incoming emails, they will be moved to the Deleted Items folder.

  • It is possible to process the incoming email as a document rather than a mail.

  • If a mail received via unregistered mail is a reply to a mail originating from InEight Document the value of the Originators Ref Number from the original mail is carried forward to the reply (in the same way that Location, Area, and Discipline are carried forward in a thread).

20.9 Update - A change has been made to outgoing mail for companies in projects without an email in address setup. Previously, when you sent mail to external contacts or transmittals, Document sent them to the recipients by email instead of a Document notification. When you responded to the notification, the From address of the email was set according to the following criteria:
  • If the company has an email in address, the email in address is set as the From address, so any replies are captured in unregistered mail.
  • If the company does not have an email in address, the sender’s personal email address is set as the From address, so any replies are sent to the sender.

This caused email delivery issues in some cases, as most of the time, the From address was a client specific email address (e.g., and the Document server is not authorized to send mail on behalf of a client domain.

To prevent these delivery issues, the From address is now always set to a Document system address (e.g., or To ensure replies are captured as before, the Reply-To address is sent to the email in address or the sender’s personal email address.

See also: