Viewing the Submittals register

The Submittals register contains all submittals related to a project. The register lets you see information including the submittal number, title, number of deliverables, and status at a glance. A yellow exclamation point icon shows when newly submitted documents are available.

The layout of the register varies based on whether the project has deliverable settings enabled or disabled. When deliverables are enabled, the register shows a Deliverables column, which tracks the number of deliverables in the submittal. Documents are uploaded to the deliverables. When deliverables are disabled, the register shows a Documents column, and documents are associated directly to the submittal.

Submittals can be grouped into sets. These can be viewed on the Submittals Sets register. See Create sets

You can do the following to sort and filter the Submittals register:

  • Click the column headers to sort by columns or use the column filters.

  • Search for submittals using the search box above the register.

  • Group the entries in the register

Group items on Submittals register

You can group entries in the Submittals register by available register columns to help you quickly locate submittals.

The grouping tool, which is shown as a gray bar above the column headings, lets you drag and drop a column heading to group by that column. For example, if you drag the Status column to the bar, the submittals are grouped by status. In the image below, the submittals are grouped by status in ascending order. The submittals with no status come first, followed those with 25% complete and then those with 50% complete.

You can click the arrow next to the column name in the tool to change the order from ascending to descending. You can expand and collapse the groupings, so you can find the submittal you are looking for quickly.

To use multiple groups, you can drag multiple column headings to the grouping tool. The submittals are grouped in the order the headings are placed in the tool. For example, if you were to add the Date created column to the scenario above, the submittals would be grouped by status and then creation date within the status.