Frequently asked questions

The product version displays on the information bar at the bottom of the Estimate screen. You can find more detailed version information by selecting System > About Estimate, then clicking on the Version tab.

Often your CBS register looks different due to the CBS Tree being open on your instance when it is closed on someone else's or visa versa. If you prefer not to use the CBS Tree, you can close it by selecting the X on the CBS Tree title bar. To open the CBS Tree, select Actions > CBS Tree Filter. Your CBS may also look different due to using a different Saved View.

To restore the system Help Bubbles, select File > Settings, then click on the Restore Defaults button. Check the Never ask/show me again dialogs, then click OK.
See Also:

We don’t have one, because in a multi-user environment, users may see unexpected behavior. User A changes a quantity on a resource from 15 to 20. User B replaces the resource with another resource on the cost item, and changes the quantity to 10. What is the expectation of User A when performing an UNDO operation at this time? We can’t limit it to “just the changes User A recently made” since that data may not even be in the estimate anymore. Instead, we encourage users to become familiar with the PBS Changes Log, where any changes that affect the Target Price will be captured.

In the CBS, Estimate’s Haul Calculator lets you enter the specifics, such as distance and speed of up to three haul routes. Once entered, you can either:
Calculate the number of trucks required to complete the haul in a set amount of time, or
Calculate how long it will take to complete the haul with a set number of trucks.
Access the Haul Calculator from and employed equipment resource on a cost item record.
See Also:

The Trench Calculator lets you quickly calculate trench, pipe, and bedding values. You can perform pipe-related take-off by defining the details of the trench (e.g., length, depth, width, hinge elevation, backslope, and swell factor), the pipe (diameter, elevation, and waste factor), and up to four beddings.
See Also:

There are two basic approaches to structuring your cost items and pay items. You can choose to work in a locked approach or an unlocked approach.
In a locked approach, level one cost items are automatically created and assigned to pay items. This locked approach works well when pay items adequately represent the work plan. Subordinate cost items inherit the pay item assignment of superior cost items.
The unlocked approach may work better when the pay items do not adequately represent the work plan. You can then assign your cost items to your pay items in any arrangement.
See Also:

In the cost item record, select Actions > Default Data Blocks.
See Also:

You can manage and retain all vendor information in the Estimate Address Book that are not linked (disconnected) with Platform, including contacts and companies that are referenced in multiple estimates, quotes and RFQs.
Disconnected Vendors and Contacts can be merged with existing Platform vendors and contacts, or they can be uploaded to create new Platform vendors and contacts by navigating to the Library > Setup > Address Book. You can also upload new Estimate vendors and contacts into Platform's master data repository.
See Also:

Subcontractors and suppliers can sometimes provide a quote(s) for work during the tail end of the bidding process. These last-minute offers make it extremely difficult for you to evaluate and compare the various quotes and your ability to award them.
With scope items, you can create and evaluate checklists and quote group exclusions, and account for them within the Quote Comparison and Award form.
See Also: