Estimate in the cloud refers to InEight's hosted estimating solution on the InEight Cloud Platform.

Estimate on-premise refers to InEight's estimating solution deployed in a customer's local environment.

Estimate IN THE CLOUD 23.12 Release Notes

Vendors and Contacts

  • Vendor and contact creationYou can now quickly create vendors and contacts on the fly via the Quote Register and Record forms.ClosedRead more

After you receive vendor quotes and you are ready to enter quote information in Estimate, it can be an optimal moment to create new vendors and contacts if they are not currently in the Address Book. Prior to this enhancement, when quotes were received, you had to create the vendor and contact in InEight Platform and then come back to Estimate. Creating vendors and contacts on the fly while the vendor quote information is in front of you, then entering the quote information in Estimate, is more expedient than leaving the quote to create the vendor and contact in Platform. This is especially useful when you have multiple new vendor quotes.

You can create vendors and contacts on the fly in both the Quote Register > Address Book Register Library and directly from the Quote record.

For example, you are in a quote record and need to quickly create a new vendor because the vendor you received a quote from does not yet exist. You can then select the Vendor Quick Add button, and then enter in the vendor details in the Vendor Record – Library form.

You can also add additional information in the License/Bond/Insurance and Minority Certifications tabs.

After the vendor is created, it is now included in the Library Address Book and can be chosen as a vendor to be used on a quote.

If you have a new contact to add, you can now select the Contact Quick Add button, and then enter the contact information.

After the contact is created, it becomes associated with the newly created vendor in the Library Address Book.

The vendor and contact information is stored in Platform where it can be easily accessed by selecting one of the vendor ID links in the Library Address Book.

For more information, see Cost Item Assembly Creation


  • OnCenter On-Screen TakeoffThe OnCenter On-Screen Takeoff feature is now available in Estimate in the Cloud. ClosedRead more


  • Allow As-Built – The Allow As-Built field setting is now enabled in the CBS. Closed Read more

    When you are ready to initialize the Control budget and track progress, you can now determine whether you will enter costs, quantities, both or neither for any one cost item by choosing None, All, Quantities, or Cost. These values are now populated on the corresponding Cost Items created in Control when you publish the estimate to a new project .