Create Tables of External Data

Only a Project Admin can create Generic Tables to import external data and link to a Unique ID Tag in Model.

External information can be accessed in Model but is managed externally using Excel.

Identify the model Unique ID

The following step-by-step walks you through how to identify the model Unique ID in Excel.

The following steps require the Excel Plugin to be installed and for a Project Admin to be logged into the InEight Excel Plugin.

Step by Step — Identify the model Unique ID

  1. After you log into Excel, use the first column (cell A1) to match a Tag Category in Model.

    Columns B and beyond can contain additional columns of data as needed.

  2. Rename the Tab to the preferred Table Name.

    Although this is not a required step, it can provide clarity as you develop the extra data.

  3. Under the InEight tab in the Data section, select Table.

  4. From the drop-down menu, in the New Table section, select Create new Table.

  5. From the Create new Table data box:

    1. Select the check mark for Use headers from current Excel worksheet.

    2. Confirm the Schema Name is labeled with the preferred name with no spaces.

    3. Select Generic Table for the Table Type.

  6. Select one item to be the Identifier (i.e. 00 – Asset).

    This must be a pre-existing Tag Category in Model.

  7. In the Data Type column, choose the correct Data Type for each Column Name.

    All data types are defaulted to Short String.

    • String: can contain any sequence of characters

    • Integer: a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero (-5, 1, 5, 8, 97, 3243)

    • Location: GPS latitude and longitude coordinates

    • Short String: can contain any sequence of characters limited to 32 characters

      • If this is chosen, make sure that your data will not extend beyond 32 characters or you will encounter an error when uploading data.

    • TimeStamp: a seven part value representing a date and time by year, month, day, hour, minute, second

    • GUID: Global Unique ID

    • Unsigned Integer: often called units which are zero or positive numbers

    • Long Integer: longer than an integer

    • Float: a number that is not an integer, because it includes a fraction in decimal format

    • Double: can represent a fractional and whole values and can use exponential notation (1.0e6 to represent one million)

    You can add or remove any of the column name fields.

  8. After all Column Name fields have the preferred Data Type, select OK to create the Generic Table.

    The new tab is then shaded in red to showthat it is now a table available in the Model database.

    Three new fields also show: Created By, Created On and Property ID.

Add information to Generic Table

The following step-by-step walks you through how to add information to the generic table.

Step by Step — Add information to Generic Table

  1. Open Excel and log in.

  2. Under the InEight tab in the Data section, select Table.

  3. Under Existing Table, select the name of your newly created Generic Table, and then select Query All.

  4. In the Identifier column or the Unique ID, fill in the data from the model.

    The new information is then highlighted in yellow. This shows that the information has been added or modified but not yet saved to the database table.

  5. Under the InEight tab in the Settings section, click Pending Changes.

  6. Click Publish.

    The database table is now updated.

  7. Fill in any additional data throughout the project as needed.

Import information to Generic Table

The following step-by-step walks you through how to import information into the generic table.

Step by Step — Import information to Generic Table

  1. Open Excel and log in.

  2. In Excel, select the spreadsheet tab containing the preferred data that needs to be uploaded into a table.

  3. Under the InEight tab in the Data section, select Import.

  4. In the Import Records dialog box, select the Table schema that you want to upload data into.

  5. When a warning dialog box appears, select OK.

    The Generic table opens with the new data added.

  6. Under the InEight tab in the Settings section, select Pending Changes.

  7. Click Publish.

    The database table is now updated.

Refresh existing table data

Throughout the project, data might be updated by another user without notification that an update is happening. You need to refresh your table to see new information.

The following step-by-step walks you through how to refresh existing table data.

Step by Step — Refresh existing table data

  1. Open Excel and log in.

  2. Under the InEight tab in the Data section, select Table.

  3. Under Existing Table, select the name of your newly created Generic Table, and then select Query All.

Close Database Tables

The following step-by-step walks you through how to close database tables.

Step by Step — Close database tables

  1. Open Excel and log in.

  2. Right-click the Excel spreadsheet table tab.

  3. Select Delete.

    Deleting the table tab only removes the local worksheet from Excel, but it does not remove database tables from your project.

    You can also click the x in the top right of Excel. The InEight Excel Plugin dialog box opens showing available options.