
When you open the application, a log in window shows:

After you log in, a list of the projects you have permissions to is shown:

From the list of projects, tap a project to open it. The project opens to the Model viewer module, which is the default landing module. You can switch modules by selecting the Main menu, and then selecting from the list of available project modules such as Model, Elements, Issues, and Archive Library.

Model geometry will begin to load when an internet connection is active.

Some features are not fully functional until the entire tag library is downloaded to your device. A warning banner shows at the top of the screen to communicate this state.

Features of Model mobile include the following:

  • Navigation - Typical iOS gestures. ClosedRead more

    You can navigate in Model mobile using typical iOS one and two finger gestures such as tap, scroll, select, orbit, pan, pinch open and pinch closed objects or models.

  • Offline Data - You can download model data to your local device and use Model offline where internet access is not available. ClosedRead more

    Select the main menu > Offline Data > Master Presets to specify which data is downloaded for offline mode.

    After you select Offline Data, you can choose which data to download in using the Master Presets. You can choose individual master presets or collections of presets for offline mode. Download status is shown next to the master preset.

  • Left ribbon menu - Standard Model functions. ClosedRead more

    1. Home – Applies the default project master preset.

    2. Zoom Selected – Zooms the camera to frame the selection.

    3. Isolate – Toggles between the entire model and an isolated view of the selected objects.

    4. First-Person Navigation – Toggles first-person navigation.

    5. Ortho/Perspective - Toggles between orthographical and perspective camera.

    6. Grids – Toggles grid visibility on/off.

    7. Selection Mode – Provides the ability to select objects related to the active mode.

      • Elements - Select objects that belong to the Element associated with the object being selected.

      • Tags - Select objects that belong to the tag associated with the object being selected.

      • Parent - Selects all objects belonging to the highest level.

      • Object - Select the lowest level of an object.

  • Right navigation menu - Find familiar model panels in the right vertical menu. ClosedRead more

    1. Master Presets – Navigate between master presets defined in Model desktop.

    2. Model Streams – Turn visibility on or off for model streams and groups.

    3. Tags - You can navigate tag names and values and select associated model objects.

    4. Elements - Navigate elements and select associated model objects.

    5. Style sets - Switch style sets to change how they visualize the model.

    6. Selection Info - Show attribute data of actively selected model objects in the Properties, Tags, and Related tabs.

      • Object Properties – Show the model object properties such as Constraints, Construction, and Dimensions.

      • Tags – Show any tags associated with the model object.

      • Related – Show any related information associated with the model object such as associated elements, issues, checklists, and documents.


You only see projects that you have permission to access.